Saturday, June 27, 2009

Life is nothing if not interesting

So...the repair guy came back...with the fuse....and it still wouldn't work. He was perplexed, I was annoyed. Seems he could never figure out the problem, took out the new circuit board and handed me back the check we had written for the service call. Hmmm. Well, I guess it isn't getting fixed! It is really not that bad, we have just stayed on top of washing the dishes, so it never gets backed up. The plan, as it stands right now, is to do nothing (except the dishes by hand) until after the baby comes. I found a cheap GE dishwasher that would be ok, but the earliest delivery date is the week the baby is set to come....I don't need that stress. Plus, if Ryan ends up having to work through that one week in July, he will get three full days of OT...that is a load of cash. If he does that, we may go ahead and splurge on another really nice dishwasher...because we liked the one we had and it was the deep tub style with all the buttons and delayed start, etc. Time will tell which is the right choice, but for now, hand washing until the baby is born...god we suffer ;)

We also had a really fun night tonight. The end of year party for Haven's Girl Scout troop was tonight at the local pool, and all the kids we invited. They had so much fun, and are super tired to boot! It was really nice to get them out for fun and to actually talk to other grownups. Ryan couldn't come since he had to work tonight, but it was still really fun and I was excited for the kids to see their friends. Good times, and now I am beat as well, so off to bed!

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