Sunday, June 21, 2009

Friends and funkiness

I had a call from an old friend today, and by old friend I mean we have been friends since 7th grade. She has hit a rough patch and I am worried about her. She is by far one of the best people I know, and if I could catch a flight to be with her today, I would. I am just thankful she is in my life, and when I hit hard times in my marriage, she was here for me the next day. I know she understands I cannot run there now, but that I am a phone call away any time of day.

On a completely unrelated subject...what the heck is the baby doing in there today? I have only had my water break once when i was in labor with Brittan at the hospital, but given the weirdness I have going on today, I wouldn't be at all shocked if it happened. If it did happen today, it would suck since all my back up is away and my parents have Haven down in NC! Well there is always my babysitter who lives next door, and in a pinch one of her parents or siblings could come and sit with the kids until my parents got here 10 hours later!

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