Saturday, January 5, 2008

Quiet moments

So we got the Christmas stuff away, the inside things at least. I still have to finish organizing the Living Room, and reassemble my mantle, but we are almost there. After the boxes were put up in the attic, the kids were sent upstairs to rest (Grayson is still sleeping, the girls hung out upstairs but are down now). Ryan went up soon after to sleep before work and I got a few minutes of quiet.

After doing a few things around the house, I roasted the last of the half pound of Ethiopian beans and made myself a nice pot of coffee. I had planned to make lemon chicken with orzo for dinner, but alas, we did not have enough lemon. I decided to make some chicken parm, a house favorite, with linguine and garlic bread on homemade bread. The best part of making the chicken is that I use my own breadcrumbs. Whenever I make bread and we have an end or the bread is getting stale, I crush it and throw it in the freezer. It is a huge stress relief to bash breadcrumbs after a long day, so I bashed and seasoned the breadcrumbs, breaded and fried (oh yes, we fried them!) and placed in the dish with sauce.

I hope that by this time next year, the sauce will be my own that I can through the summer and the chicken is obtained from a local farmer. I love that we are getting close, Ryan and I are planning the LED light garden for the fall and winter months to sustain us during the off season, I am going to order our side of beef in February and the CSA begins in May. We will begin our seedlings in March, inside as usual, and then we will till and plant everything outside in late April. The when we harvest, we will freeze, cook, can and eat the fruits of our labor. Whew...we have a lot to do!

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