Friday, February 22, 2008

Sometimes you need to disappear

Today I was feeling blah. I had that big paper looming and a house of crazy screaming kids. Ryan isn't feeling well, so he coped as any husband would, he moped around, threw a fit when the kids interrupted his game, watched tv and took a nap. I then had to juggle the kiddos with making dinner, baking bread, working and writing a paper. In addition, my new computer is freaking out and keeps crashing on me.

As I was getting ready to serve dinner, I woke Ryan up and asked for help. He responded by moving from the couch in the living room to the couch in the family room, and then proceeded to snore more. I really needed help as I was trying to write my paper and had to keep getting up to deal with kid and dinner. Finally, as I was serving dinner and the kids were swarming and the paper looming and the husband snoring I lost it. I stormed upstairs to my room, shut off the lights and laid in bed for two hours. I knew the paper would still be there, but I just needed to get away from the chaos and anger. When I came down, the kids were fed and the kitchen destroyed...and I simply walked to the computer and got to work. I finally ate dinner at 10:30 after the paper was completed, and I am still annoyed with the husband. Now if he actually does the dishes tonight like he says he is and lets me REALLY sleep in tomorrow, maybe I will forgive him :)

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