Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Holiday!

First off, a very Happy Holiday for anyone who reads this blog, may each day be merry and bright, no matter what your beliefs and traditions!

Here we are off to a stellar start. Yesterday was fun, my sister, her husband and their kids came (and so did their dog ( don't get me started...) and everyone had lots of fun. The kids played well, they loved their gifts, and overall the day was a huge success!

Today my parents were here and we got some last minute shopping done (mostly little things for Gray) and I made lasagna and a cake for Ryan's birthday. The kids decorated the dining room with balloons and banners, and I think he was surprised when he woke up!

Ryan went off to work, the kids to bed, and we laid out all the goodies for tomorrow morning. I hope Ryan can make it home by 9, I am not sure if I will be able to hold them off any later than that.

We did give the kids their big gift from us today....a Wii! They loved it, and the big surprise was how well Britt took to it, she even beat my dad in bowling! Haven liked it, but I think tomorrow she will fall in love when she gets the Hannah Montana game!

All in all, a good start. Tomorrow after dinner, my parents leave and late tomorrow night Ryan's mom, brothers and Kristin arrive. Now if only I could get my voice back and lose this awful cough, everything would be perfect!

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