Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's here!!!

My new stove has arrived and it is beautiful! Our kitchen had bisque appliances when we moved in, and as we have replaced them one at a time, we have always just bought bisque again. I personally don't like the color, but since we painted the kitchen around bisque appliances, and the cast iron sink I put in is glazed in bisque, when we needed the new stove, it was bisque. Due to the odd color choice, we needed to wait a week and a half for the stove to be delivered, but it was totally worth it. The oven is HUGE...5.4 c.f., of course it is self cleaning because I am no fool, and it is a coil top since we can and you cannot use the ceramic top stoves to can. It looks so much better than the old yucky Maytag and the color is in line with the new fridge and dishwasher we put in, which is the lighter bisque color, less yellow. Now all that is left is to put in a microwave range hood and the kitchen is perfect...well as perfect as it can be in this house :)

The other great part is that this morning I hopped online and saw that the exact stove I bought was on sale, so I called the company and they credited me the difference. i had also scored a $25 off coupon when I purchased and they have free delivery and haul away, so when it was all said and done, it was under $400 for a new stove that I LOVE :)

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