Monday, April 14, 2008

What did you do today?

Here is what I did:
Took Haven to school, took Gray and Britt (home sick) with me to get snacks and cereal and go to the bank. Came home and vacuumed the house, washed the rug, made cookies for the girl scouts and my kids, made my kids lunch, gave them a nap, mopped the floors, did the dishes (twice), worked at both jobs, answered a million emails, did course checks for over an hour, mentored new faculty, helped old faculty that seemed to forget the requirements of their job, emailed some more, organized the laundry, took a shower, got ready for work. Now it is almost 5 and I will be leaving for work, I will be home after 10pm and will grade more papers, at least 15 all essay exams, that should take a few hours. Tomorrow looks just as busy, but such is my life!

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