Thursday, September 9, 2010

Schedules rock!

We are now in Day 3 of school, and I can already see that this will be a good fall for us!

Yesterday was the real test, I have a call in the mornings which I complete on my way to PT gig. Teach at PT gig then need to get home to help feed kids and then off to football practice.  Yesterday was the first day with the sitter in the afternoon, me working, Ryan working, school and football, and it went well!  We even got home, got the big kids showered and everything packed up to go with kids in bed at a reasonable time.  Thankfully the coach is talking about moving the Wednesday practice day, which would be awesome since it would mean the girls and I would only need to be at practice once a week and games once a week.

Right now it is 10 am and so much has been done!  We were up early, ran to pick up our chicken/eggs/bacon order, back home for breakfast and to get ready for school.  Kids got off without a hitch and I was able to get the kitchen cleaned, dishes done, vacuuming completed, laundry switched and all of my course checks done!  Now I still have some things that I can work on today, but technically I am done with my work work, and it is such a good feeling!  Teagan is napping and I am considering joining her :)

The kids are thriving at school, I am feeling like I have the ability to get my jobs done and still take care of the house, and Teagan is getting some deserved one on one time.

I love schedules!!!

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