Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A great big sigh of relief...well two, maybe three

Wow, last night was my first night at PT school and I had a really excited, chatty, interested class!  This is not usually the case for night classes, especially not MONDAY night classes, but they seemed like a great group, plus it was a small class for me, which makes it so much more fun.

Long night last night, Teagan was up most of the night wailing.  I am not sure if it is teeth or nightmares, but it was loud and long and tiring.  Thankfully I had other things to distract me including my concern over the ultrasound I was having today to check the baby's heart and the cyst they had seen in his brain.

Thankfully today the scan went great.  Finn looks fabulous, no more cyst!  His heart looks perfect too, no defects that can be seen on ultrasound, which knocks out nearly every serious one and all of the minor ones that we have dealt with in the past and my heart issue too!  Such very good news.  In addition, they estimate his weight to be 2.2 lbs which is big for his age, he should weigh around 1 1/2 lbs so he is growing well.

I cannot express how wonderful it felt to have the concern lifted, and while I will always harbor a little worry until he is born, checked over and safely in my arms, I think that is the normal state that every expecting mama is in at this stage of pregnancy.

I am glad for the distraction of the new semester as Finn's arrival will coincide with the end of the term, so along with the progression of the course, Finn's progression will also be tracked. 

So happy to get to live this life.

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