Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Love when the day surprises you

It was a good day...rough morning, but good day.  I got a lot accomplished including Freecycling the queen bed that was taking up space in Teagan and soon to be Finn's room.  While thinking about starting dinner I decided we needed a night out, so the crew piled in the car and we headed to dinner.  Great dinner and then a stop for ice cream (and funnel cake for the cravin' mama) on the way home.  Kids and Daddy played pinball and it was simply a fun outing for everyone.  Now all the kids have finished baths and showers and the muck of a day playing outside and eating ice cream has been washed away.  I am tucked up in my bed relaxing and working on some grading and Ryan is studying for an exam. Today was a good day, a nice, easy, quiet good day.

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