Friday, August 14, 2009


I often wonder how folks can live places without seasons. Always as we near the end of one season, I am just getting anxious to move on. When winter seems to never end, spring shows up. Right now I am tired of summer. It hasn't been terribly hot, but we have been so out of sorts with me being pregnant and then giving birth, that I need to move on. I can't wait for fall to come, for the windows to be open again, the leaves crunchy gold and red. Fall is apple time here, and while that means I need to peel and can a million pounds of apples, it is still a great time. The kids go back to school, I go back to campus, the days are shorter and there is a hint of winter in the air. I love the change of seasons, and right now I cannot wait to move forward into fall, into sweaters and pumpkins and golds and browns and the glorious schedules that accompany that season!

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