Sunday, October 28, 2007

A fall day, and good children return

Today was a much better day than yesterday. We started with a big group snuggle under my big down comforter in my bed. They all had breakfast and I started getting Haven ready for her party. She was going as a pageant queen, so we dolled her up and got the rest of the kiddos ready. Husband was kind enough to pick up the present for the party and the wrappings, so I could get Haven packed up. We sent her with her EpiPen and I got there a bit early and showed the mom how to use the EpiPen with the trainer. Haven went off to her party and Grayson and Brittan and I went to the grocery store. Did the shopping, came home and unloaded and feed the two kids. We went and got Haven, and went to get pumpkins. The kids each picked a huge one, and then I picked up an extra...just in case! They were beautiful pumpkins, and really cheap due to the proximity to Halloween, so I think I will head back tomorrow to get a few more to cook up into pumpkin pies and pumpkin bread. We came home, I started dinner and then helped the kids carve their pumpkins. Afterwards, we cooked the pumpkins seeds and had a lovely fall dinner of pot roast with potatoes and carrots as well as roasted acorn squash. A nice day :)

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