Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Sunday Morning

We had a great start today! I was up and showered by 7:30, and the kids fed and dressed by 8. Ryan made it home at 8:30 and said he would come with us to church, yippee. Off we went to church, and there was a guest speaker who wrote a book on living cheap and environmentally friendly. It was a fun morning and afterwards I spoke with the author, who has no children but a wife, and explained how we do it with three kids. He had talked about finding cheap organic produce, so I explained we get ours through the CSA and it is very inexpensive, local and organic. Well after our conversation, he gave me his email and asked me to send him a note. He is writing a book on how to live well, live cheap and raise a family and he was looking for folks to interview! On our way home, I stopped at the store because I needed beans for tonight's dinner, and employed my skills in shopping. Let's just say for just over thirty bucks, I got two huge pork roasts, enough for two meals EACH at least, a huge bag of potatoes, tomatoes, two big bunches of green onions, two boxes of crackers, four things of beef broth and two cans of beans. How's that for eating well on the cheap?

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