Saturday, March 22, 2008

Plants away....

The retaining wall is coming along well, which means the garden will be ready in the next two weeks. Haven's riding instructor has been kind enough to share all the manure we can haul, and we will mix it in with compost and some other soil. So far, we have started the green beans, snow peas, eggplant, both tomatoes, both cucumbers, 2 yellow squash and 2 green squash inside. We will directly sow the carrots, lettuces, acorn and butternut squash, pumpkins, potatoes and sweet potatoes. Finally the berry patch needs to be planted and we will be ready to go!

Right now the big stress is tilling and prepping the side garden for the potatoes, acorn squash, butternut squash and pumpkins. Ry also has to turn the berry patch and we need to get those in the ground in the next two weeks.

I am hoping we have a great haul!

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