Thursday, December 20, 2007

Will it ever end?

So we were sure Brittan would make it to school today, but last night around ten she got up and by the look of her eyes, we knew it was pink eye. Gray had the eyes this morning, so I called the doc and made an appointment. Emily came over and she and I and the kids took a ride to the farm to get milk, then I came home and yelled at my husband for not having moved the computer, then left for the doc. While I was there, Em and Ryan got the computer moved and my couch was delivered. The doc confirmed the pink eye, and Britt had a double ear infection, Gray a single ear infection. I am hopeful that once the antibiotics kick in, they will finally feel better.

The couch and chaise are HUGE, but I love them and like the new layout of the room. Whew..because it would have sucked if it looked bad after fighting for this couch :)

Tomorrow I need to get another set of brackets, Ry needs to put away the rest of the computer stuff and install the shelves, and I need to do some cleaning. I promised the girls I would take them to get their nails done tomorrow night, and then if they both feel well, I will go and get all of the food I need for next week. We are moving along.

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